Q. What’s not covered?
A. The intention of Petsecure Pet Insurance is to help cover unforeseen vet expenses associated with pet ownership which means not all expenses are covered, and like most insurance policies there are some exclusions which help keep your premiums low. These include: pregnancy, dental care, elective procedures, foods/diets, grooming, behavioural problems, day to day care and pre-existing conditions that showed clinical signs before taking out the pet insurance cover. Please refer to the Policy Terms & Conditions for a full list of exclusions.
To find out more about exclusions in pet insurance policies check out “Understanding exclusions in pet insurance” above.
Q. Can I get a pre-existing condition exclusion removed from my policy?
A. Conditions are now classified as either chronic, related or temporary. If your pet has a temporary pre-existing condition that had no noticeable signs, symptoms or an abnormalty for 18 months the condition may be covered.
After 18 months from your policy commencement date, you can apply to have a review of your Pre existing Condition exclusion provided that your vet certifies and provides (at your expense) vet records that certify your pet has been free of clinical signs, symptoms or recurrence of the Pre existing Condition up to the date of receipt of the the review form. Please contact us if you would like a Review Application Form.
Q. Are dogs and cats covered whilst in quarantine (being imported from another country)?
A. Unfortunately we cannot cover pets whilst in quarantine. The vet history from the country that the dog or cat is being imported from would be required when applying for dog insurance or cat insurance.