In many ways pets are like humans. For example, when they go off their food – like you or me, it could be a symptom of something going on. It’s not normal, and if a pet is not eating or drinking, it is a sign of a very serious problem. The issue could be one to do with health, but also by a change in the environment – a loss of a companion for example.
Take a look at the infographic courtesy of Barking Royalty This article “should you worry if your dog stops eating” may also give you some insights. Of course, if the issue persists the first port of call should be the vet – as you would not want a small issue to become a serious issue if left unchecked.
With Petsecure you have a $300 consultation allowance with your insurance, so hopefully you have pet insurance which will help with the cost. If not get a quote now, to see how affordable it can be for you.
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