Claiming for pet insurance

We’ve simplified our claims process to ensure that you receive your benefit as quickly as possible

The easiest and quickest way to claim is to sign up to our Manage Policy portal – where you can submit (upload) your claim documents and check it’s progress. 

Making a claim is easy. You have 2 easy ways to claim:

The easiest way to claim is online.

  • You can register or log in to My Pet Account (Manage Policy Portal)
  • Simply upload a copy of the itemised invoice and the consultation notes from your vet visit into your Manage Policy portal Account.
  • Please note that if this is your first claim we require your pet’s full medical history from all previous vets since you have owned your pet. If your pet was adopted at an older age please supply adoption paperwork and medical records since adoption.

Or if you prefer you can submit your claims through the post, please follow the 3 easy steps below:

  • To make things as quick as possible we recommend that you download a claim form and take it with you to the vet.  You can also email us on or call us on 1300 855 160 and we can mail some forms to you.
  • Fill in you and your pet’s personal information and sign the claim form.
  • Take the form to your vet, and during or after the consultation ask your vet to complete in full Part 2 and sign the form.
  • Attach the original detailed itemised invoices and payment receipts to the completed claim form. Please do not staple documents.
  • Ensure your vet includes their practice details on the original invoice.
  • Then mail your completed claim form to:Petsecure,Locked Bag 9021,Castle Hill, NSW, 1765

(Please note that for the first claim you make you may need to need to provide a complete veterinary history of your pet.  After the first claim you will only need to provide the supporting consultation notes from the consult that you are claiming for)

Should you have any questions please call us on 1300 855 160 between 8:00am and 8:00pm (AEST), Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Your claim will be processed without unnecessary delay, and will generally be paid within 2-3 working days provided all the documentation has been sent.  If you have any queries don’t hesitate to contact us by calling 1300 855 160 or sending an email to us at

Common questions about claims

Q.  With ongoing treatment, do I have to wait until treatment has finished before I can claim?

A.  No – there’s no need to wait.  You can make a claim at any time, and best to make the claim just after you have seen your vet.

Q.  How do I claim for Wellness Care treatments?

A.  Simply complete Section 1 of the claim form, and provide information about what you are claiming for under Section 2, then sign and date at the bottom of the form, and either upload the form with the itemised receipts via the portal, or mail to Petsecure (details above).

Q.  What if I’m on holiday when I need to make a claim?

A.  You can still make a claim even if you are on holiday. Just follow the normal claims procedure outlined above. You can also refer to Pet Overseas Travel Insurance  in the Product Disclosure Statement for further information if you are on holiday in New Zealand or Norfolk Island.

Q.  How long do I need to wait before I can make a claim?

A.  You can make a claim straight away. The sooner you submit your claim, the sooner you will be paid!

Q.  How long will it take for my claim to be processed?

A.  Once we receive the necessary documentation, your claim will be processed in a timely manner and payment will be made either by cheque or into a nominated bank account.  The majority of our claims are processed within 3 working days of receiving all the necessary documents.

Q.  What is the highest amount I can claim?

A.  You can claim up to $12,000 a year (no limits on individual claims) for Accident & Illness Cover.  A limit of $2,600 per annum is applied to claims for Cruciate Ligament conditions*, and $300 per annum for Consultations.
*You may be eligible for a higher limit and if so this will be specified in your Certificate of Insurance.

Q.  Do I have to pay the vet’s bill before I am paid by Petsecure?

A.  Yes, you will need to pay your vet at the time of consultation.  That’s why it’s a good idea to have your claim form completed with the supporting documents ready to submit immediately after the consultation as this will limit the time that you are out of pocket.  Generally our claims are paid within 2-3 working days.

Q.  Are medical records always necessary in order to process my claim?

A.  Yes, they help us to process your claim quickly and accurately, so be sure to attach the original itemised invoice, consultation notes and payment receipts to the completed claim form.  For your first claim you will need to provide a full history of your pet’s health.  Your vet can provide this for you.  After your first claim it will only be necessary to provide the information pertaining to that claim.

Q.  What happens if I do not agree with a claim outcome?

A.  All clients are entitled to have their claims reviewed.  Simply email or call 1300 855 160 to request a claim review.  If you have any additional information that can be provided by your Vet this can assist the review.  It generally takes between 12 to 15 days for a review to be completed, and you will be advised of the outcome in writing.

Q.  Do I have to pay the vet’s bill before Petsecure pay me?

A.  In order to pay your claim we need to have all itemised invoices and consultation notes from your Vet.  This means that you need to pay your vet at the time of the consultation and then submit your claim as quickly as possible.  Claims generally take around 2-3 days to process which limits the time that our clients are out of pocket.  We recommend that you take a claim form along with you to the vet so that it can be completed when you are having your consultation.  This means you can submit the claim immediately after the consultation so that your benefits can be paid asap.

Q.  Can I get pre-authorisation for a claim before the procedure takes place?

A.  Yes whilst pre-authorisation is not requirement if your Pet requires treatment and you wish to seek pre-approval of those costs, you can provide us with the itemised estimate of costs from Your Vet, along with the treatment required and relevant clinical records and/or veterinary history, and we will respond to you in writing with the outcome.
A pre-approval shall not be deemed to be valid unless we have agreed to it in writing. The reimbursed amount may vary from the pre-approval if the Treatment provided by your Vet differs from the Treatment request in the pre-approval.
If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling 1300 855 160 or sending an email to us at