In a perfect world, we’d take our pets everywhere we go. Unfortunately, be it work, taking the kids to school or doing the groceries, there’s times when you need to leave your kitty home alone. But just because they don’t have you to play with, doesn’t mean they have to be bored.
Here are 10 of the best ways to keep your cat entertained while you’re out of the house.
1. Food puzzles and toys
If your feline friend is food motivated, then treat based puzzles can be a fun, low maintenance way of keeping your cat entertained (and fed). The typical food puzzle is a sphere that can be laden with cat treats which only release when your kitty has figured out the correct method, stimulating both their body and mind.
For cats that are more into the hunt than the prize, toys like the SmartCat Peek-A-Prize allow you to stuff a box with plush toys that your cat can then ‘hunt’ by flipping them out of the box through the holes. It engages their natural instincts and can keep them playing for hours.
Super smart cats might figure a single puzzle out over time, but there’s always plenty of new and challenging products on the market. Just remember to factor these treats into your cat’s diet plan to avoid overeating.
2. Cardboard boxes
Cats love to play in boxes. Whether it’s bounding in and out of them, playing hide and seek, using it as a fort, sled or just generally using it as a play toy, the simple cardboard box is a fun, cheap and easily obtainable item to keep your cat engaged and entertained while you are at work. Not only are they easy to come by, they pose little risk to your kitty (and the furniture), and can be easily replaced once your current box is a broken mess.
3. Paper and paper bags
The crinkling sound of paper and it’s ability to change shape makes for an engaging, low cost material that your cat will just love. Leave a few pieces artfully scattered around the house so your kitty can stumble across them throughout the day.
Paper bags are also fun. Like cardboard boxes, your kitty can pounce in and out and tear holes to use as tunnels. Just remember to remove any handles attached to the paper bag, as they can be a choking hazard.
4. Cat specific furniture
Your cat is a member of the family, so they deserve their own furniture. At its most basic, cat furniture includes:
- Scratching posts
- Scratching bench
- Cat trees
Cat trees include a combination of scratching posts, jungle gym, hidey holes and a host of other features. They come in a variety of configurations and will keep your cat happy and engaged for hours. Check out your local pet store for these.
Cat trees and other cat specific furniture can also help protect your human sized furniture. With a bit of training your cat will take out their natural kitty instincts on their tree, rather than on your couches and chairs.
5. A room with a view
Cats are drawn to the outside world and watching it go by, particularly from an elevated position. If you’ve got a second story with a balcony or floor to ceiling glass, leave the blinds open so your kitty has endless entertainment outside. Alternatively, install a shelf or move a piece of furniture like a bookshelf close to the window so they have a good view while you’re at work.
6. Fish tank fun
While fish and cats aren’t always the best mix (especially if you’re the fish), a properly secured and out of reach fish tank can keep your cat entertained and visually stimulated while you’re at work. Fish tanks also add to the interior design of your home. Just be 100% sure there’s no way your cat can get into the tank or knock it over.
7. Another feline friend
Ever entertained the idea of adopting another cat? A friend for your feline could be the perfect solution to home alone doldrums. Obviously, adopting another cat is a big responsibility, so be sure you’re ready to take it on. Visit your local animal shelter and ask to meet the cats. You’ll know best what sort of disposition will match the kitty you already have.
8. Set up a special space
However you decide to keep your cat entertained, a designated ‘play zone’ is important in setting boundaries for where the action happens. This will contain play activities to a specific area, be it a small nook, corner of the house or even just a windowsill.
If you want your cat to be able to go outside (while remaining inside) there are small enclosures available for purchase (or do it yourself) that jut out from the window, letting your cat get some fresh air without being in danger. Pet MD recommends making these areas entertaining by placing hanging toys and bells from the top so your cat can bat them around and be engaged in their special play area.
9. Cat TV
From YouTube for Cats to DVDs you can buy especially for your feline friend, television can make great entertainment, especially for older cats who aren’t on the go all the time. Most of these videos show animals like birds and mice running around. Show one to your cat and if they get interested, you know you’re onto a winner.
10. Skype your cat
In our digital world, you never have to truly be away from your pet. PetCube have a number of cool products that help you keep an eye on your kitty, play with them remotely and even dispense treats to them while you’re at work. And, if the boss doesn’t like you playing with your cat on company time, just show them how cute your kitty is and they’ll change their tune in no time.
Entertainment is good for you and your cat
Nobody knows your cat like you do. While it might take some experimenting to find the right balance, the tips above should put you on the path to success in keeping your kitty entertained while you’re away from home.
[…] playful creatures and stimulating them will keep their hunting skills sharp. Get plenty of cat toys at your local pet shop that encourage short frequent bursts of […]
[…] to provide us with an overview of what naturally stimulates kitties. This is a very fundamental purpose of toys. They have to be able to stimulate development, curiosity, and fascination from those that use them […]
Don’t adopt another cat unless both had grown up together or else the most common at most they will fight, this results in lots of injuries especially among feral cats
Hi Amanda, that is a very good point, and one that people should always bear in mind. Thank you for your contribution. Liz
This is not true! Please do not deter people from adopting more feline friends!!
We have a 14 year old cat and we have tried over the years to introduce other cats into the family. She won’t have it!! Vicious fights with fur flying. We introduced by the book each time. Our Siamese mix is a solitary cat and wants to keep it that way!
Well, yeah. Siamese cats are notorious for this. They can even be like that with new people its why my Mom absolutely refuses to let my Dad get a Siamese cat until my brother is out of the house at the earliest because they don’t tend to mix well with kids, a lot of new people, or multiple pets in the house unless they grew up with that. It’s not the rule but it’s a trend all right.
My family has always had Siamese cats. They were in our home during the time when we were raising our children. One of them loved our babies. He even would sleep in the crib so he could watch over them. We have never had one that didn’t like children.
Id like to add to this, Some cats rather be alone without any other cats, but Ive met very social cats adopted from animal shelters or other places. I used to have a cat that would rather go hide and sleep but I’ve had a friend with a cat who would run around and go to any other animals that would play with her, whether its a dog, a ferret or a snake! (Yes my friend had all three haha) It really depends on your cat, and sometimes, how you raise it.
This is not true. I’ve adopted cats that bonded right away. Whenever you have a pet in the home, adoption always allows you to find the right fit for your family, the humans and the non-humans. We never have to feel bad for adopting when it doesn’t work out.
Cat furniture is a commodity that is known by many names. The most common include Cat Trees, Cat Condos, Kitty Condos, Cat Towers, Cat Climbers, Cat Scratchers and Cat Gyms. There are dozens more, but whatever term you use to describe cat furniture, the purpose is the same – to enable your cats to follow their instinctual desire to scratch without damaging your furniture, carpet, or other belongings, and also to give them a place of their own where they can exercise, play, and lounge.
Nice post… My cat always trying to bite and eat the toys instead of playing with. Do you have any ideas for the best cat toys that cant be chewable? If you have any best toys in your mind that can be gifted for both cat and dog, it would be great as I have both. Can we have an article about treating dog and cat happily without making the other one sad?
Hi Gertrude, love your ideas. We will definitely start researching to see what toys we can find that dont get chewed! I think also an article about dogs and cats living harmoniously together is a great idea. Especially as World Harmony Day is coming up! Thank you. Liz
Hey guys, I’m adopting a kitten because my older cat is left home alone for a good bit, shes about 9. I’m told if I slowly introduce them it’ll be okay
Hi Jonni, it’s lovely that you are giving a home to a kitten. I hope that your older cat enjoys the company, but if there are issues, consult your vet without delay.
I have tried everything. Got a fish tank, my cat doesn’t care about it at all. Tried several different interactive feeding puzzles/toys, he will leave it sit with food in it, doesn’t care to get it out even if I put his beloved treats inside. Bought many different toys, he wont play with any of them, he has three different window seats with scratchers and comfy places to sit/sleep, doesn’t use them. He just follows me around constantly, meowing, swiping at my leg, wanting to play. The only thing he will play with is the feathers on a stick. He refuses to entertain himself so he is constantly needing me and its stressing me out because I am a caretaker of a mother with dementia and when I come home I just feel like there’s another endless need to take care of. He’s also over ten years old and hasn’t been this bad when he was younger. Any suggestions how to make my cat happy without playing with him ten hours a day?
Hi May – well that is definitely a tricky problem! There may be something else going on, and I would suggest that it may be a good idea to have a chat with your vet, or an animal behaviorist who may be able to help. Thank you for your comment. Liz
My cat is kind of the same. I just keep trying with different random stuff. I recently realized my cat likes to play with empty shopping plastic bags and pieces of paper rolled into a small ball. I leave paper balls around, and looks like she plays with them while I am not around.
Hi May,
To be honest I think he’s lonely. If you got a baby kitten he would have something to do all the time. I’ve had cats my whole life . Currently I have Mylee that is 1-1/2. She is an only child and she counts on me to find things for her to do. I’ve recently become handicapped and can’t walk or stand very well. She is terribly bored and I feel awful about itl. So eventually, I will get her a buddy. With other cats that I’ve had, I had no problem bringing another cat into the mix. But it has to be a kitten. They tolerate kittens much more than an adult cat. That way they sorta raise it to be the way they want it to be. And with a kitten, the other cat won’t ever be bored because kittens are just go go go and eventually they’ll begin to interact …and the rest is history
. It might be ugly at first but after awhile they’ll co- exist and start playing. It makes the older catt feel purposeful and needed and eventually loved by their own kind I think. Buddies for life. I wish you the best of luck.
getting my cat toy will definitely keep it busy. So it can just play by itself
Hello May my Ragdoll cat is similar she does engage with the to us A LITTLE but when our journey together started I harness trained her and we were able to spend time together outside. Our situation has changed and she is not a happy cat and nothing I buy seems to amuse for more than5 minutes. I small amount of times I’ve been able to get out of the house with her the best she is when she’s inside. Im disabled and home most of the time though not always well. Can only imagine the stress I hope you can find something to keep your bebee simulated. It’s hard when we don’t have access to all the options Xox
These ideas are great thank you! I have two cats which are very different. One being a youngish tabby who is always out and the other being a 17 year old tortoise shell. These games might be great for my tabby 🙂
Good luck Caitlin!
Don’t forget the laser as a good source of entertaining. If you’re tired from work and just want to relax, it’s easy to get your kitty to play, while you sit on the couch
Thanks for this article. We have a smart kitty in our hands and will not be able to get another cat or even a dog at this moment as her friend. She plays with little mice and has a scratching posy in every room and even a bit cat tower. I need to try the paper and puzzles but I can’t spend anymore money on expensive things. Yes we need to get her fixed which I hope will help but still seems super bored.
She loves running water but we can’t keep that on all day and we are afraid of her attacking the tv if she sees something she likes on it for cat tv
I had an IKEA tunnel that my grandkids used to love. I dragged it out for our kitten and she loves it.mi throw her toys in it and she chases them. She stores her treasures in there and hides I there when she’s had enough play time.
What a great idea Evelyn! Thanks for sharing. Liz
Wow, they can be great ideas. My cat is a big fan of food so I should give food for it when I go out. It will really like.
Why don’t you let your cats outside? That is the best way to occupy them. In the UK, all cats roam freely. They all come back. My cats would be so depressed if I kept them cooped up in the house all day. Very few adult cats get run over once they have learned road sense by about six months so we keep them inside until then. It seems cruel to deprive them of stimulation from roaming through gardens and woods – unless you live in a very busy city.
Hi S Gillimore, Yes, there are the safety concerns, however, in Australia cats, being natural born hunters, can cause significant damage to our native wildlife, including those that are vulnerable. In particular our native wildlife including lizards, birds and even mammals such as possums are all prey to cats that are allowed to roam. It has been estimated that a domesticated cat allowed to roam will kill around 75 animals a year. Of course the problem is much worse with feral and stray cats. It’s important to note that there are options for allowing a cat outdoors at the same time as protecting wildlife. For example many people create outdoor enclosures with plenty of space for roaming and stimulation, or even take their cat out for a walk on a leash. It is not necessarily an inherently cruel practice to keep a cat indoors, and for those who believe their cat needs to roam for stimulation, etc (in Australia), it’s important to bear in mind the impact on native wildlife. Here is a study that you may find interesting.
I live in the UK and have never let my cats roam free, I know of many other people who also don’t let their cats roam. I have a nice size garden and have had “petsafe” fencing all around the perimeter. My cats get to enjoy the garden but it keeps them safe from roaming into the traffic and getting into fights with other cats – it’s brilliant.
My 10 year old cat won’t play with toys. I’ve tried everything suggested. Changing the toys, hide and seek, cat furniture etc. She is only happy when I’m playing with her. Even then, it’s me who does the playing whist she watches! She is a rescue cat and I adopted her at 6 years old. She had been terribly abused and was quite vicious for a while, but she’s beautiful now and can be very affectionate at times. I’m now running out of ideas how to keep her occupied. She does go outside but not for long. Any ideas anyone?
My cat is crazy about boxes. Boxes are always right choice. Especially, if I have new furniture to assembly, there are tonnes of boxes and it is totally nighmare! But Cat TV, I have never thought about that!
I have two cats, I adopted another cat as entertainment for the first cat. They have scratchers, cat tree, window ledges, a cat-eo, a cat run, a box of electronic toys, boxes, and bags, even cat TV worked for a week, but that is the most anything has lasted – usually only 2 days, I tried cycling out the toys, but that didn’t work. I put cat dangle inside a paper bag – that lasted 2 days, then after that they are bored. I’m at my wit’s end!
Are dogs and rabbits good pets to have around a pet cat to keep the cat entertained? I am somewhat concerned about the added responsibility of additional pets. But I have heard that cats and dogs do not mix even if it is a small dog. I do not know much about rabbits as pets. Seems like rabbits would just poop all over the house.
What about a kitten that caterwauls all day long while you’re working from home? Our kitten is 6 months old and meows at the top of his lungs all morning from about 4am until the afternoon. I think it’s because he’s bored. We have another cat, but it’s old and not very playful so I’m not sure how to keep the little one busy during work time.
No jim bunnies will not keep your cat occupied she might even hunt the bunny as her own prey and i’m pretty sure rabits do poop all over the house.
I am completely exhausted trying to come up with new ways to keep my senior cat entertained all night every night, I am 64 yrs. old myself. and don.t have the energy, nor the money to keep buying useless toys. I love my 14 yr. old cat to death, and it saddens me, not being able to keep her happy. I feel like our bond is coming to and end. What to do?