
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

wet dog in bath, pet grooming tips

Tips for stress-free pet grooming

Pet grooming is totally necessary. Not only because it makes your four-legged friend look super cute and dapper, but also bec...

pet owner with German Shepherd

Pet care during COVID-19 lockdown

As Victorians endure the second wave of COVID-19 restrictions, pet owners are relying heavily on their four-legged friends fo...

young girl holding cat, loss of a family pet

Coping with the loss of a family pet

The loss of a family pet might be the first experience your child has of losing a loved one. As such, it’s important to rec...

dog lying on yellow sofa looking sad, social fear in dogs

Social fear in dogs: signs, causes & treatment

Typically, our barking buddies are social creatures — which is why we humans get along with dogs so well. Yet, what happens...

white cat, international cat day

How you can celebrate International Cat Day

Saturday, August 8th, is International Cat Day. Whether it’s baking tuna kitty cookies or giving your cat a big bunch of cu...

english bulldog,

What’s the life expectancy of your dog?

When deciding to adopt or buy a puppy or dog you might not look into the lifespan of your chosen breed. However, the life exp...

dog being petted, dog-friendly workplace

The benefits of a dog-friendly workplace

The dog is not only man’s (and woman’s) best friend; our canine chum should be every employer’s best pal. After all, a ...

pet burial stone, pet memorial

Pet burial vs pet cremation

Losing a pet can be very hard to deal with. What’s more, deciding between a pet burial and a pet cremation can be difficult...

black dog, pets benefit mental health

6 ways pets benefit mental health

Nowadays, there is a much bigger focus on mental health than ever before. This is because our psychological and emotional wel...

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