
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

brown dog at dog park

Your guide to dog park etiquette

Wondering what dog park etiquette is? It refers to the general rules that are part and parcel of being a responsible pet owne...

black and grey kitten asleep in blanket

How to kitten-proof your home

A house is full of hidden dangers for a curious kitten. This is why it’s so important to kitten-proof each area of your hom...

pug lying on back of sofa, hiring a pet sitter

5 things to consider when hiring a pet sitter

Whether you’re returning to work post COVID or you simply feel a pet sitter would be beneficial, there are many things to t...

dog wearing beanie, winter pet safety

Winter pet safety

Whether it’s a winter conscious diet or a warming winter wardrobe, as pet parents you can keep tails wagging this chilly se...

orange cat lying on the bed

The cost of cat ownership

If you’re weighing up the cost of cat ownership, don’t forget to consider not only the initial outlay but the ongoing exp...

dog in office meeting

Take Your Dog to Work Day — the dos and don’ts

Need help convincing your employer to embrace Take Your Dog to Work Day? Here’s a look at the many benefits that come with ...

naughty dog in bathroom with toilet paper, dog boredom

Addressing dog boredom

Have you spent more time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic? Have you stopped to consider how your dog is going to feel whe...

labrador with child, put down your pet

Making the decision to put down your pet

If you have an ageing or ailing pet, or your pet gets severely injured, you might be faced with the difficult decision of whe...

dog wearing glasses, dog's eye health

How to take care of your dog’s eye health

As a pet parent, your dog’s eye health might not be top of mind. After all, there are vet checks, vaccinations and preventa...

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