
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

snake in sand, protecting pets from a snake bite

How to protect your pet from snake bites

Snake season is generally October to February when the weather is at its warmest. However, to help safeguard your pet from a ...

short-coated black dog looking at camera

Things to consider when adopting a pet

You’ve decided you want a new furry BFF and have made the decision to adopt a pet. Now what? Adopting a pet is a great way ...

grey kitten on bed, new kitten

Your guide to life with a new kitten

From constant meowing and scratching to settling into a feeding routine, raising a fur baby can leave you feeling like you’...

grey and white cat

4 popular cat injuries and how to treat them

Cats are mischievous animals (also adorable though!), so it’s not surprising they can land themselves in trouble from time ...

large dog sat by owner at beach, pet health insurance

5 Pet-friendly holiday ideas

Leaving your fur baby at home while you go off on your holidays can be upsetting. This is particularly so if you have no one ...

golden retriever outside holding stick

10 awesome dog-friendly activities for you and your fur pal

The dog is man’s (and woman’s) best friend, so why wouldn’t you want to do cool things with your dog — just like you ...

best pet sitter, woman holding dog in arms outdoors

How to find the best pet sitter for your fur pal

Finding the best pet sitter for your fur baby might not be as easy as it sounds. After all, you want someone who’ll love yo...

white dog wearing pink party hat

How to celebrate your pet’s birthday in style

You like to celebrate your own birthday, right? So why not pull out the cake and candles for your pet’s birthday. After all...

pet on holidays, terrier on white sandy beach

Your guide to taking your pet on holidays

Taking your pet on holidays is no longer taboo. In fact, more and more pet owners are scouring the internet for pet-friendly ...

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