
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

two black dogs in flowers, outdoors

Help! My dog’s been stung by a bee

When a bee or wasp stings us humans, oh my – it hurts. So what happens if your dog gets stung by a bee? Here are the common...

Choosing pet insurance

Pet Insurance Cost v Benefit

Why avoiding Pet Insurance could drain your finances. With two thirds of Australian households owning a pet, it’s fair to s...

Puppy coming out of the bath

How to wash a puppy

Your easy guide to washing a puppy Many puppies freak out at the sight of their first bath. As a pet parent, it’s your resp...

Dog waiting at door Halloween

Halloween Pet Safety

Scary decorations, spooky costumes and lollies at the ready; Halloween is just around the corner. However, you might have you...

Dog on beach

The best ID method for your dog? Pros and Cons

Bringing home a pup is a great  joy. You will have a loyal friend that will always be around and make you happy for many yea...

Dog getting key to rental property

How to find a rental for you and your pet

Between dodgy landlords, nasty neighbours and finding a suitable home within your budget, choosing a rental property can be h...

Dog looking as though he's done something wrong

Embarrassing Pet Health Problems

Ever had to excuse your dog for doing a bottom burp in public or apologise to a stranger because your dog just breathed his s...

Well trained Jack Russell

Why you should only say a dog’s name once

We use a dog’s name to identify them. Not only that, but we use it to precede a command; we use it to gain their attention....

Shows dog eating fruit

What fruit can I feed my dog?

Research done by the Australian Veterinary Association has found that more than 40% of pet dogs in Australia are obese. Being...

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