
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

Dog lying down, pet CPR

How to perform CPR on your pet

In the same way that it’s important to know how to administer first aid and perform CPR on a human, having this know-how ca...

black schnauzers, pets and essential oils

Pets and essential oils: what you need to know

Essential oils provide a plethora of therapeutic benefits for humans, but what about pets and essential oils? Is it safe to u...

dog in office, pet-friendly workplace

Pet lovers call for more pet-friendly workplaces

Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world. Furthermore, last year more than a quarter (26%) of Aus...

cat and dog outdoors, heartworm prevention

Heartworm disease: what do you know about it?

One in three dog owners believe heartworm is transmitted via birds or food. The truth is heartworm disease is transmitted thr...

dog on lead, emergency pet plan

Have you got an emergency pet plan?

Ever stopped to consider what would happen to your beloved fur pal in an emergency? This is where an emergency pet plan comes...

terrier lying on towel, pet emergency

How to recognise a pet emergency

Has your pet ever needed urgent care? Of course, this is a situation we hope we’ll never face. However, recognising a pet e...

cat wearing leash

Thinking of putting your cat on a leash?

Aussie cat owners are encouraged to keep their feline friends indoors from dusk to dawn. This is to protect Australia’s nat...

black puppy, guide dogs

Show your support for Guide Dogs Australia

Raising a guide dog can be a truly rewarding experience. Sure, the aim is to teach the dog how to behave and appropriately ac...

white dog outdoors, dog has worms,

Does my dog have worms?

“Does my dog have worms?” This is a valid question that many a dog owner asks. Of course, the most obvious way to find th...

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