
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

terrier lying on towel, pet emergency

How to recognise a pet emergency

Has your pet ever needed urgent care? Of course, this is a situation we hope we’ll never face. However, recognising a pet e...

cat wearing leash

Thinking of putting your cat on a leash?

Aussie cat owners are encouraged to keep their feline friends indoors from dusk to dawn. This is to protect Australia’s nat...

black puppy, guide dogs

Show your support for Guide Dogs Australia

Raising a guide dog can be a truly rewarding experience. Sure, the aim is to teach the dog how to behave and appropriately ac...

white dog outdoors, dog has worms,

Does my dog have worms?

“Does my dog have worms?” This is a valid question that many a dog owner asks. Of course, the most obvious way to find th...

golden retriever, pet care, kennel cough

What you really need to know about kennel cough

You may have heard about kennel cough, but what exactly do you know about it? What are the signs and symptoms to watch for? H...

black dog outdoors, winter pet care

Winter pet care

When it comes to winter pet care, it’s important to look beyond cosy pet fashion and consider the health and safety of your...

grey and black senior cat, cat care

Choosing a pet sitter for your senior cat

Certainly, older cats may have different needs from their younger counterparts. So, when it comes to finding the best pet sit...

cat health, feline hyperthyroidism

Could my cat have feline hyperthyroidism?

Feline hyperthyroidism is a common hormonal disorder, typically seen in older cats (i.e. those over seven years of age). Howe...

small, white dog with baby, pet etiquette for kids

Pet etiquette for kids

Firstly, what exactly is pet etiquette and why is it important? In short, pet etiquette refers to manners. There are basic hu...

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