
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

How do you Transition a Traumatised Dog into your Home?

If you’ve rescued a dog, it can often be the case that they have had a chequered history and may not behave as you would wi...

Preventing an Ear Infection in Your Dog

Don’t Risk Rejection by your Boarding Kennel or Cattery

Only 40 more sleeps until Christmas!  Yikes.  If you are going on holiday and your pet will be going into a Boarding facili...

Who wouldn't want to adopt a gorgeous girl like this one?

If you need a reason to adopt a cat – look no further!

In Australia almost 30% of all households are cat owners with an average of 1.5 cats per household amounting to a massive 2.6...

Creating a Dog Friendly Home

Ruff Guide to a Dog Friendly Home

We all know how lovable dogs are. Their witty tail wags, pleased to see you grin, and irresistible fur ball nature are just t...

Scared cat hiding under couch

Halloween can be scary for cats and dogs.  How to keep them safe.

We all know that Halloween can be great fun for the kids, but that’s not always the case for our fur pals.  The commot...

Please adopt me

10 Reasons to Adopt a Pet

According to RSPCA statistics, a little over half of all dogs brought into shelters are rehomed. Some were reclaimed by th...

Well trained Jack Russell

Six Important Things to Teach Your Dog Immediately

The most important things to teach your dog are designed to ensure you have a good housemate and you can live together in har...

Pug looking displeased

Should you worry if your dog is not eating?

It’s common for dogs to wolf down their food, so when your furry friend suddenly turns his nose up at his bowl and refuses ...

Labrador relaxing

Healthy Hips for Dogs

We all dread the thought of our dogs growing old, slowing down or experiencing pain. What most of us don’t know is; dogs ca...

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