
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

The Pet Name Feud

The Pet Name Feud

Naming pets should be a simple task… yet it can be tricky and even divisive in the family!  Some pet lovers are so con...

Who wouldn't want to adopt a gorgeous girl like this one?

The Best Feline Companions for Single People

Living on your own has its perks, but being responsible for a pet without someone to share the load with can be difficult. We...

What to Do If Your Dog is Attacked in Public

What to Do If Your Dog is Attacked in Public

Seeing your pooch attacked by another dog is scary stuff.   Our first instinct is to rush to their aid and get stuck in to ...

How to Stop Kitten from Ruining Your Furniture

How to Stop Your Kitten from Ruining Your Furniture

You love your cat, but you love your leather sofa as well. Don’t worry, it’s possible to have one without sacrifi...

PetSecure - 10 Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained

10 Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained When You’re Out of the House

Your dog is your best friend, so leaving them home alone, even if it’s just for an hour or so, can be hard. Nobody want...

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Dog Walker

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Dog Walker

For folks with a busy schedule, a dog walker can be a godsend. But choosing a dog walker you can trust can take time and effo...

PetSecure - Doggy Healthcare Things You Can Do to Improve Your Dog’s Quality of Life

Doggy Healthcare: Things You Can Do to Improve Your Dog’s Quality of Life

Keep their teeth and gums clean Proper dental hygiene can greatly prolong your pet’s life, while improving their overall we...

How to Do Your Part in Stopping Puppy Farms

Every dog is special. While Australian laws do prevent some forms of animal cruelty, legislation against unethical puppy farm...

PetSecure - 10 Ways to Keep Your Cat Entertained While You’re Out of the House

10 Ways to Keep Your Cat Entertained While You’re Out of the House

In a perfect world, we’d take our pets everywhere we go. Unfortunately, be it work, taking the kids to school or doing the ...

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