
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

6 Healthy Dog Treat Recipes for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a day to tell those you love the most how much they mean to you. Long being celebrated as a day of roman...

Second Chance Animal Rescue

Second Chance Animal Rescue

Located in Campbellfield, Victoria, Second Chance Animal Rescue is a pro-life charity that operates with the help of foster c...

Your Guide to Flea Prevention for Your Pets

There are many different species of fleas in Australia, and while they might not worry us too much, they can be irritating an...

Which Breed of Cat is Best Suited to Your Family?

Choosing a cat to become a new member of your family can be an exciting time. Sometimes, the decision will be easy as simply ...

10 Tips for Choosing the Right Vet for Your Pet

When it comes to choosing a vet for your pet, it’s important to choose a veterinarian you can trust, and who you feel you w...

Moving to Australia: Understanding Pet Quarantine

Planning to import your cat or dog into Australia? You will need to ensure you comply with the Department of Agriculture and ...

Desexing Your Pet: The Pros and Cons

Many pet owners struggle with the decision of desexing and whether or not to breed their dog. It’s one of the most importan...

Pet Overweight

Is my pet overweight?

We know Dennis the Daschund is a bit of an extreme example – but consider this: the rate of obesity in Australians is i...

Overheating in pets can be deadly

Social media recently exploded with a story about a beloved family pet, a Rescue Greyhound called Baron, who was placed in a ...

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