
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

Dog Breed Series Part 1: Low Allergenic Dog Breeds

A lot of people that are unfortunate to suffer allergies automatically presume they shouldn’t have a pet, but good news...

Irish Setter

The Irish Setter is an elegant gundog known for its attractive silky red coat. The breed, also known as the Red Setter, origi...


The Koolie is an energetic, low-maintenance working dog developed in Australia and popular with farmers. While it has been ar...

10 Tips to Make Vet Visits Less Scary

If your pet is like most others, a visit to the vet is less than fun. Your local veterinary clinic can be an overwhelming pla...

Food and Your Dog Series Part 1: 12 Superfoods Your Dog Will Love

Any nutritionally conscious person has undoubtedly heard the term “superfood” and would understand the important role the...

Pets on Holiday Series Part 1: Preparing to take your dog on holiday

With the help of websites such as Holidaying with Dogs and Bring Fido, many Australian families are choosing to take their be...

Cairn Terrier

The cheerful Cairn Terrier is one of Scotland’s original dog breeds, bred for its ability to enter burrows and find hiding ...

Border Terrier

With a dense, harsh coat and a head resembling an otter, the strong Border Terrier is a working dog bred for its fox-hunting ...

Are vet fees expensive?

I love my vet!  That’s because he loves my doggies as much as I do, and I believe he is on my side, and not just in it for...

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