
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

fat dog, obesity in dogs

Obesity in dogs: Is my dog overweight?

Sadly, more and more Aussie pets are becoming overweight and obese. However, as responsible pet parents, the onus is on us to...

rescue pet, pet adoption

Your guide to bringing home a rescue pet

So, you’ve made the leap and decided to adopt a rescue pet. Yay! This is an exciting time and, no doubt, you want everythin...

cat and man outdoors, introduce your cat to your new partner

How to introduce your cat to your new partner

Yes, cats are adorable creatures but they can be a little standoffish at times. This can make introducing your cat to your ne...

pet owners, foster a pet

Are you ready to foster a pet?

There are many wannabe pet owners out there who just aren’t ready to care for an animal permanently. And that’s okay. How...

cat play, grey cat with ball

Cat play: 6 reasons to play with your kitty

Never underestimate the importance of playing with your cat. Did you know that cat play is essential for the happiness and we...

cute scruffy dog licking ice-cream

Pet poison prevention: keeping your fur pal safe

The third full week in March is National Animal Poison Prevention Week. This fantastic initiative focuses on educating pet ow...

curly-haired dog, matted dog hair

How to deal with matted dog hair

Sure, some pet owners love to spend time grooming their pooch. They love seeing their fur pal’s coat looking shiny and feel...

pug wearing hoodie, instagram for your pet

Setting up Instagram for your pet

Yes, you think your pet is super cute, so why not share your fur pal with the rest of the world? One of the easiest ways is t...

Boxer dog puppy

How to decode your dog’s body language

From yawning and lip licking to wagging tails and placing a wet nose in your lap, there is a lot to be learnt from a dog’s ...

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