
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

Meet Raison – an amazing Service Dog

Meet Raison – an amazing Service Dog

Please meet Raison, Skye’s wonderful Service Dog.  Raison is a three year old Mastif/Lab Raison helps Skye  in so many wa...

Ticks on the rise

Ticks on the rise

The tick population is on the rise, along with increased temperatures and humidity.  Loving bushy, humid environments and tr...

How Pet Insurance Works

Veterinary Fees – Are They Justified or Not?

A Choice magazine report on Vet fees has stirred up quite a debate, with Choice criticizing veterinary practices for inconsis...

Going on holiday and can’t bear to leave your pet?

Going on holiday and can’t bear to leave your pet?

What do I need to know before I take a pet on holiday? “While cats prefer familiar surroundings, it’s perfectly okay ...

Arthritis, don’t let you pets suffer in silence

Those who suffer from arthritis know the winter months can make the condition all the more painful. Arthritis is not only a d...

Things You Should Never Feed Your Cat

What should you feed your pet?

Some foods are toxic to pets. Just because cats and dogs are domesticated and live in human conditions doesn’t mean their s...

Cook them a meal

Cure and prevention of allergies to dog food

Next to flea bite allergies and allergies to inhalants, allergies to dog food is the most dreaded by pet owners. They are als...

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