
Pet Care Centre

Pet Care Centre

For the ultimate in information about pet care, visit the Petsecure website today. We provide quality pet insurance for dog and cat lovers wanting the best for their pets.

Help, I have an overweight cat

While you might think your overweight cat is cute and cuddly, the truth is your feline friend’s health is at risk. Obese or...

tabby cat, kitten, cat love

Cat love: how to spoil your cat this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is approaching and what better excuse to show your cat love? But how exactly do you show your feline fr...

pet holidays, camping with dogs

The perfect pet holiday for 2021

As pet owners, there’s nothing more adorable than taking our furry friends on a holiday adventure with us. Certainly, it se...

black and white terrier, pet dental health

Take action this Pet Dental Health Month

Just like humans, our furry friends can suffer from a wide range of oral health problems. So, Pet Dental Health Month is an i...

small, white and grey dog, myths about dogs

4 common myths about dogs

Indeed, there’s little wonder why the dog has been touted as ‘man’s best friend’. Our canine chums are loyal, accepti...

black, curly-haired dog looking sad, sick dog

Is dog depression a real thing?

Many pet parents wonder if dog depression is actually a thing. Well, according to the experts, pets can absolutely suffer fro...

cat feeding, cat bowl, what to feed a cat

What should you feed a cat?

While very young kittens need feeding several times a day, you only need to feed a cat once or twice a day. The question is f...

dog on beach, protect your dog's paws, paw pad burns

How to protect your dog’s paws in summer

While the summer months bring long hot days, beautiful sunshine and blue skies, it’s essential to protect your dog’s paws...

dog and cat, responsible pet parent quiz

Are you a responsible pet parent?

I’m sure we’d all like to believe we’re responsible pet parents, but what exactly does this term mean? Certainly, being...

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