Naming pets should be a simple task… yet it can be tricky and even divisive in the family!  Some pet lovers are so conflicted that they put it out on social media to get inspiration for a name!

There is the evolving (never to be settled) argument – is it wrong to use human names or should owners stick to stereotypical fluff?

Some pet owners avoid human names because they don’t think it’s appropriate.

A number of experts working in the pet industry believe when people use human names for pets, they are more inclined to anthropomorphize. 

On the other hand, a lot of pet owners want to be clever and shudder at the thought of simple names. Classics are Fluffy and Mischief.

Data from revealed the most common pet names were also common human names.


  1. Bella
  2. Buddy
  3. Charlie
  4. Max
  5. Ruby


  1. Bella
  2. Smokey
  3. Buddy
  4. Oscar
  5. Charlie

For those who prefer human names, it is easy to avoid stereotypical ones with surnames or dated names, such as Dorris.

However, pet owners need to consider one key factor when naming their pet.

While it does need to reflect personality, character and the pet’s new family, it also needs to be a name they respond well to.

A name is primarily a communicating tool and it is vital for training.

For this reason, pet owners might want to consider a name that doesn’t sound too similar to another family member’s name or a frequently used word as it could potentially confuse the pet.

One common piece of advice trainers share are to consider names that have two syllables or short names that pets can adapt to easily and respond to.

Just remember – everyone has different opinions. But at the end of the day you and your pet need to be happy with the name you choose.

We’d love to hear your thoughts of the pet name argument. Are you pro human names or against it?