Coco, our beloved poodle recently passed away. Coco brought us so much joy and was a beloved member of our family. She is sadly missed.

When she was a puppy, and for most of her adult life, Coco was healthy. There was the occasional trip to the vet but expenses were not great and pet insurance was something we gave little consideration to. In hindsight, that was a big mistake. Who would have thought that Coco would develop diabetes, respiratory disease and a heart murmur – all treatable diseases but at great expense! There were many trips to the vet – checking glucose levels, buying medication, blood tests, etc. There were also veterinary hospital admissions which cost thousands of dollars.

The best advice we can give anyone who has a pet is to take out pet insurance. When your beloved pet is sick, injured or dying, there are difficult decisions to make. It is never an easy time but having pet insurance would help make the decisions a little easier.

(Provided by a friend of Petsecure who would like to remain anonymous)